Mental Immersion Camp (Mar 14-17)

Mental Immersion Camp (Mar 14-17)


*Accommodations included March 14-16

Immersive 4-day 3-night mental performance resort based camp with sports psychologist John Coleman and professional skier/coach Leah Evans.

Take your skiing to the next level. This course will give you the tools to progress not only your skiing but also your mental fortitude. We will provide on and off hill mental performance coaching with Freeflow coach John Coleman. What does this look like? Let’s say you’ve been working on skiing a smooth but tricky line and can’t quite understand what’s holding you back. John will work with you to find your barriers and provide you with strategies to help you work through them. We will then have daily intention and debrief sessions at our accommodations- The Copeland. During our time on the hill coach and professional skier Leah Evans will work with you to break down some of your ski skills and provide you with tools to create new muscle memory and ski techniques.

*Please note that private room accommodations will be open to the first three participants and shared room accommodations will be available after that.

You must be a Treeline or All-Mountains skier on the skills guide to attend.

Learn more about the Mental Immersion Camp here.

This camp requires lift tickets for Revelstoke Mountain Resort. Do you need some? Add these to your order.

Not sure what kind of skier you are? Visit our Resort Camp Skills Guide for more info.

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